The absorbtion of nutrients in certain relative proportions results in a healthy plant. When the
proportions are suitable the nutrient medium is said to be "balanced". When ratios between nutrients
are too wide, deficiency conditions are created.
Nutrients, even though present in satisfactory amounts and proportions, may not be absorbed by the plant unless the "reaction" of the solution as regards acidity and alkalinity is satisfactory. The reaction
is measured in terms of the pH scale. The neutral point is that when acidity and alkalinity
are equal and neutralize the effect of each other. The neutral point is represented by pH 7.0; below this value the solution is acidic and above it is alkaline. Many crop plants prefer a reaction slightly on the acid side-pH 6.0 to 6.5 and extreme values are in the neighborhood of 4.0 on the acid side and 9.0 on the alkaline side. High EC of soil enables uptake of nutrients from the soil. Excess irrigation
and chemical fertilization increases salinity of soil.
Nature Life Remedies find out the solutions for above problems by introducing an innovative product.
Because of its innovative contents Purna enhances the microbial activity in soil. Soil microorganisms help to increase the concentration of soil solution. Their activities
lead to an increase of certain ions, chiefly the anions, in solution. Due to their
vigorous bio reactions, carbon dioxide and bio energy are realeased in abundant